Sunday, February 28, 2016

Betula jacquemontii

Betula jacquemontii
Source: OSU Department of Horticulture
Botanical Name: Betula jacquemontii
Common Name: Whitebarked Himalayan Birch
Family: Betulaceae
Type of Plant: Deciduous tree
Habit: Pyramidal, upward branches.
Growth Rate: 
10-Year Height: 
Mature Height: 30-50'
Leaves: Alternate, simple, 5-7.5 cm long, rounded or slightly cuneate (wedge-shaped with straight sides) at base, margin double serrated, dark green above, glandular below, pubescent on veins, 7-9 vein pairs.
Buds/New Growth: 
Stem/Bark: White "paper" bark on trunk and often on young branches.
Culture: Light to part shade, especially afternoon shade. Hardy to USDA Zone 5.
Pests/Diseases: bronze birch borer
Landscape Uses: 
Additional Information: jacquemontii: after Victor Jacquemont, French naturalist.
Google images of Betula jacquemontii

Betula papyrifera

Betula papyrifera
Source: OSU Department of Horticulture
Botanical Name: Betula papyrifera
Common Name: Paperbark Birch
Family: Betulaceae
Type of Plant: Deciduous tree
Habit: Loosely pyramidal to rounded.
Growth Rate: 
10-Year Height: 
Mature Height: 40-50'
Leaves: Simple, alternate, 5-12 cm long, rounded or sometimes wedge shaped, glabrous above and pubescent on veins below, coarsely and usually doubly serrate, dull green in summer, yellow in fall.
Buds/New Growth: 
Stem/Bark: After several years, lateral branches show chalky-white paper-like bark, peels easily.
Culture: Sun. Hardy to USDA Zone 2.
Landscape Uses: 
Additional Information: 
Google images of Betula papyrifera

Betula glandulosa

Betula glandulosa
Source: OSU Department of Horticulture
Botanical Name: Betula glandulosa
Common Name: Dwarf Birch; Scrub Birch; Bog Birch
Family: Betulaceae
Type of Plant: Broadleaf deciduous shrub
Habit: Shrubby, often spreading
Growth Rate: 
10-Year Height: 
Mature Height: 10'
Leaves: Alternate, simple, rounded to broadly elliptic, rather leathery, margin crenate-serrate or serrate, glabrous beneath, short petiole.
Fruit: Fruit catkins 1.5-2 cm long, erect, wings of the nutlets narrower than the body.
Buds/New Growth: 
Stem/Bark: Twigs with large resinous glands. Bark dark brown.
Culture: Hardy to USDA Zone 3.
Landscape Uses: 
Additional Information: glandulosa: bearing gland
Google images of Betula glandulosa

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Calocedrus decurrens

Calocedrus decurrens
Source: OSU Department of Horticulture
Botanical Name: Calocedrus decurrens
Common Name: Incense Cedar
Family: Cupressaceae
Type of Plant: Evergreen conifer
Habit: Stiff or narrowly columnar in youth, regular in outline, branchlets flattened, terminating in dense, fan-like sprays, wedge-shaped joints.
Growth Rate: 
10-Year Height: 
Mature Height: 70-110'
Leaves: Leaves in 4's closely pressed, a "fluted wine-glass" pattern formed by each outside (lateral) pair of leaves, lustrous dark green throughout the year (little or no winter browning), emitting an aromatic odor when crushed.
Fruit: Male cones small (3 mm), yellow, female cones cylindrical, 2-2.5 cm long, composed of 6 paired, flattened, and pointed scales ("duck-beaks"), ripening in early autumn.
Buds/New Growth: 
Stem/Bark: Bark light or reddish brown.
Culture: Sun or partial shade. Prefers moist, well-drained, fertile soils, but shows adaptability to different soil types. Hardy to USDA Zone 5.
Landscape Uses: 
Additional Information: calocedrus: from the Greek, kalos, beautiful, and kedros, cedar. decurrens: extending down
Google images of Calocedrus decurrens

Cedrus deodara

Cedrus deodara
Source: OSU Department of Horticulture
Botanical Name: Cedrus deodara
Common Name: Deodar Cedar
Family: Pinaceae
Type of Plant: Evergreen conifer
Habit: Broadly pyramidal with gracefully pendulous branches, drooping central leader, spreading and flat-topped with age. Long branches bearing scattered leaves, and spur-like stems with whorled needles.
Growth Rate: 
10-Year Height: 
Mature Height: 40-70'
Leaves: Needles 15-20 per whorl, or singly on long shoots, light blue or grayish green, or even silvery, softer than C. atlantica).
Fruit: Male (pollen) cones are upright, 5-7.5 cm long, usually numerous on lower branches, releasing clouds of yellow pollen in fall, then falling and covering the ground. Female (seed) cones are upright, solitary, or in pairs, ovoid, 7.5-10 cm long, require 2 years to mature.
Buds/New Growth: 
Culture: Sun. Prefers well-drained and somewhat dry soil. Protect from sweeping winds. Hardy to USDA Zone 6 (less hardy than C. atlantica).
Landscape Uses: 
Additional Information: deodara: from the Indian (East) name for the tree.
Google images of Cedrus deodara

Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca'

Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca'
Source: OSU Department of Horticulture
Botanical Name: Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca'
Common Name: Blue Atlas Cedar
Family: Pinaceae
Type of Plant: Evergreen conifer
Habit: Stiff, erect leader, pyramidal in youth, with age assumes a flat-topped habit with ascending or horizontal branches. Branch tips tend not to droop.
Growth Rate: 
10-Year Height: 
Mature Height: 40-60'
Leaves: Bluish-green needles clustered on spurs, or alternate on leading twigs, somewhat stiff.
Fruit: Male (pollen) cones are about 5 cm long, erect. They release clouds of yellow pollen in the fall. Female (seed) cones are barrel-shaped, upright, 5-7.5 cm long, and require 2 years to mature.
Buds/New Growth: 
Culture: Sun or partial shade. Hardy to USDA Zone 6 (not hardy for much of the US).
Landscape Uses: 
Additional Information: 
Google images of Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca'

Tsuga heterophylla

Tsuga heterophylla
Botanical Name: Tsuga heterophylla
Common Name: Western Hemlock
Family: Pinaceae
Type of Plant: Evergreen conifer
Habit: Narrowly pyramidal when young, pendulous branches.
Growth Rate: 
10-Year Height: 
Mature Height: 60-100'
Leaves: Needles in more or less 2 ranks, although arising from all around the stem, equally broad from base to apex, rounded apex, finely dentate margin, very short petiole, shiny dark green and grooved above, with 2 broad whitish bands below with indistinct edges; persist 4-7 years.
Fruit: Cones elliptical, light brown, 2-2.5 cm long, each cone contains 30-40 small seeds.
Buds/New Growth: 
Culture: Sun, but can take a fair amount of shade in the forest.
Landscape Uses: Can be sheared into a hedge when young. Bonsai. Native planting.
Additional Information: State tree of Washington. heterophylla: refers to the different sized leaves on the same twig, smaller toward the tip.
Google images of Tsuga heterophylla

Tsuga mertensiana

Tsuga mertensiana
Botanical Name: Tsuga mertensiana
Common Name: Mountain Hemlock
Family: Pinaceae
Type of Plant: Evergreen conifer
Habit: Narrowly conical, branches and twigs thin and nodding.
Growth Rate: 
10-Year Height: 
Mature Height: 30-100'
Leaves: Needles arranged radially around the stem, but densest on the upper side, linear, stomatal lines on both sides, apex blunt, base attached to the stem via a roundish "peg" and short petiole, gray-green to silver-white; on short lateral branches the needles are grouped in star-like clusters.
Fruit: Cones oblong-cylindrical, stalkless, pendulous, often purple when young.
Buds/New Growth: 
Stem/Bark: bark charcoal gray to reddish brown, scaly and deeply fissured.
Culture: Sun, if soil not too dry. Best growth occurs in areas of moist air and cool summer temperatures. Hardy to USDA Zone 5.
Landscape Uses: Bonsai, small gardens.
Additional Information: mertensiana: after Karl Heinrich Mertens, a German botanist who discovered it in 1827.
Google images of Tsuga mertensiana

Tsuga canadensis

Tsuga canadensis
Source: OSU Department of Horticulture
Botanical Name: Tsuga canadensis
Common Name: Canadian Hemlock; Eastern Hemlock
Family: Pinaceae
Type of Plant: Evergreen conifer
Habit: Dense, conical crown when young, becoming ragged and irregular with age, branches spreading horizontally from the trunk. Dead branches persist.
Growth Rate: 
10-Year Height: 
Mature Height: 40-80'
Leaves: Needles in 2 ranks, flat, slightly tapered, margin finely toothed, upper side glossy green, whitish below with well-defined stomatal lines. A few shorter needles (usually upside down) over the stem.
Fruit: Seed cones ovoid, pointed, purplish-brown. Seed release in fall and winter. Spent cones remain on the tree into the next season.
Buds/New Growth: Buds are ovoid and pointed.
Culture: Sun or shade. Best in moist, well-drained, acid soils, but appears adaptable to calcareous soils. Avoid windy, dry, and wet sites. Hardy to USDA Zone 3b.
Landscape Uses: 
Additional Information: 
Google images of Tsuga canadensis